I haven't been online to update my blogger in a couple of days because Aidan's been super-sick. When I went to pick him up at Mum's house Thursday, she informed me that he had been acting kind of lethargic and she had changed three diarrhea diapers that day. Great! She had taken his temperature and it was holding steady at 99.5 degrees. So, obviously his body was fighting something off but it was too low to really worry about.
Thursday afternoon Aidan seemed okay. He really didn't want to eat anything but he was drinking fluids and acting his normal, crazy self. Around a quarter to 8 that night, Aidan had another bout of diarrhea and all he wanted to do was be held. And he cried like I had never seen him cry before. I felt so awful for him.
When Mark got home he told me that Aidan's diarrhea had actually started Wednesday morning but he had only had one poopy diaper that day. He was really worried, even if Aidan's temperature was still no higher than 99.5. I couldn't blame him at all. I mean, diarrhea for two days? Yuck.
So we agreed that since I had the ability to take off of work (I'm on FMLA with Aidan ever since he had his chronic ear infections) that I would call off on Friday and take him to the doctor. Thursday night Aidan was really lethargic but listless and still hadn't gone to sleep at 1am. Poor guy.
Mark checked on Aidan at about 7am Friday morning and he had a horribly poopy diaper and was crying. We put him into bed with us and he was hot to the touch. When I took Aidan's temperature it was barely under 100 degrees. We usually don't like to give him Motrin or Tylenol on an empty stomach though because he'll just throw it back up. And that's all I needed, was for stuff to be coming out of him at both ends. Ew.
I called the doctor's office at 8:30 and got Aidan an 11:15 appointment. All he did was sleep, sleep, sleep until about 15 minutes before we left when I had to get him ready. I felt so awful for having to get him up because he just looked like hell. I took his temperature and it had shot up to over 100 degrees. He whimpered all the way to the doctor's office, cried in the waiting room and cried almost throughout the entire time he saw the doctor. The verdict? He has viral gastroenteritis which apparently is going around. Usually when he gets it though, he throws up for like two days straight so I feel pretty lucky that he didn't have it coming out that end. :oP
The doctor gave us a prescription for liquid Immodium and basically said to keep him hydrated and all that jazz. On our way to Walgreen's to pick up the Immodium, Motrin, more diapers and Pedialyte, Aidan had another poopy diaper and it smelled awful. Obviously I couldn't take him in the store like that, so we had to go home. I changed his diaper and all he did was cry and cry. I bet his little butt was so chafed!
I let Aidan sleep and in turn took a nap myself. When we both awoke, he had another bowel movement and I had had enough. I got him dressed (again) and quickly drove to Walgreen's. I stocked up on two different kinds of Pedialyte, diapers, Motrin, and even picked up some A&D ointment. Luckily, I could buy liquid Immodium over the counter so that was nice! I also got Aidan a toy, since I felt awful for him. I'm such a sucker!
I went by St. Louis Bread Co. and bought Aidan a cup of chicken noodle soup, even though I knew he wouldn't eat it. When we got home, I gave him a teaspoon of the Immodium and within the hour, Aidan was like a completely different kid. He drank some Pedialyte, didn't eat the soup but ate the huge baquette that came with it, and actually sat up in bed, as opposed to laying in the fetal position. He even wandered into his bedroom and played for a bit!!
Mark came home early from work because he knew I had had a rough day and Aidan played around with him. Both he and I crashed around 8:30 though.
After the first dose of Immodium he had one little poopy diaper around 7pm and we gave him another dose of Immodium as instructed. I have yet to check on him this morning because it's only a little after 6, but I hope he's doing better.
The only thing that really sucks is that viral gastroenteritis is contagious. I hope I don't end up getting it. I read on WebMD that you can only get it by like sharing food and the like, which we haven't been. So hopefully I'll dodge that bullet and Mark will also.
As a side note, you can imagine how pissed off I was when I called my sister and found out that her little boy had the stomach flu two weeks ago and last week, when I was at her house, her kid kept picking up Aidan's sippy cup and drinking from it. Now I know where Aidan caught it from. Grrr...
So that was my Friday. I ended up getting an unexpected four-day weekend which is nice but it would have been nicer had it not been because Aidan was so ill.
On the pregnancy front, I've been feeling fine. The baby is moving around more and more, which is always exciting. I get muscle cramps in my tummy every now and again but I know that's only because everything is stretching and making room for the baby.
The thing that kind of annoys me the most right now is the whole peeing all the time thing. Gah!!
I think I'm going to sneak off to the kitchen and heat up Aidan's leftover chicken noodle soup. Sounds good! Even for breakfast!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A sick kid.
Posted by Ashlea at 4:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hump day!
We had some excitement at work today --- sort of. Our computers weren't working properly so we couldn't do some of our work, so they were scrambling finding things for us to do. The good thing about that is that it has made the past four hours FLY by. Only three more and I'm out of here for the rest of the day!! All I can think about is going home, changing into some yoga pants and a t-shirt and being completely lazy. :o)
Of course NOW the computers are working again, so it's back to the usual old work for us. Blah.
The baby is moving around more and more now. Mark tried to feel my tummy last night, but the baby suddenly got stage fright and refused to move. :oP
I suppose I should get back to work. But first, a bathroom break. Ug. I hate peeing all the time!!
Posted by Ashlea at 7:10 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I just saw a picture of some Cheetos while perusing Perez Hilton and now I want some. It's only a quarter after 9 in the morning, but Cheetos sound so good. Mmm...I'll have to see how much change I have in my purse and make a run for the vending machines.
I'm having a "blah" day. I woke up feeling icky, have felt kind of weak all morning (probably from lack of food but nothing, except Cheetos, sounds good) and I just don't feel like working right now. I wish I were rich and I could lay around my house and do absolutely nothing. Sure, after awhile I'd probably get bored but for a week or two it would be heaven.
I was flossing my teeth this morning and my gums started to bleed so badly that it looked like I had been punched in the mouth. *sigh* All apart of the whole pregnancy thing. I've been getting nosebleeds too, which is supposed to be normal as well.
Not too much else going on in my life this minute. I've been suffering with headaches as well but I think that's just sinus's. I just hate that I can only take Tylenol because it does nothing for me. :o(
I'm ready for my three-day weekend. Fo' sho'.
Posted by Ashlea at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Just another Monday, but not a manic one.
I really hate Monday's but I'm sure if there wasn't such a thing as "Monday's" I would hate Tuesday's then. It's just tough getting up after sleeping in for two days. I'm almost considering keeping my regular schedule even on the weekends, but I can't honestly fathom getting up at 3:30am on a Saturday. Mark would kill me if I woke Aidan up. :oP
I really hate Monday's however this Monday has been a landmark in my pregnancy -- I felt the baby move for the first time around 5:15 this morning! Actually, while lying in bed last night I thought I might have felt he/she move but I know for sure he/she was active this morning. Just hopping and bopping around for a good half-an-hour. It's such a neat feeling!! :o)
My burned finger is so much better now. I tried to stay away from typing at all this past weekend because it hurt. So now I can use the 10 minutes left in my break to update on my doctor's appointment.
First off - I LOVE my new doctor. He's so nice and really took the time to get to know me. I never once felt rushed by him. I also like a doc who gives you refills on your anti-nausea medication no questions asked. ;o) The first thing I told Dr. Hulsen was that Aidan was two weeks late and he assured me he that he would NOT let that happen this time around. Thank God. You know, I've always felt that the only reason why Dr. Midkiff didn't induce me sooner was because she was going on vacation. Doctor's always seem to be doing shady stuff like that. Like I've heard stories about women being pushed into C-sections because they're doctor's were wanting to go home and whatnot. Sooo not right.
Anywho, my doctor's office is awesome because they do their own ultrasounds, including 3D/4D ones. They also have a lab in their office so I didn't have to go to MDL or Quest Diagnostics to get my blood drawn. That's so nice and convienent.
My next ultrasound (like I said before) is scheduled for September 22nd. The office also gives you a complimentary DVD of your session. How cool is that?! I think I really got lucky with Dr. Hulsen. We also did a blood draw for my quad screen, which checks for neural tube defects, Spinabifida, and Downs Syndrome. While it can't diagnose the baby with these things, it can tell me if it's high risk. I wasn't high risk with Aidan however each pregnancy is different, so I am hoping everything turns out just fine. I'm sure it will.
I guess that's about it. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which was normal. :o) Not too much else to report! It seems like there was so much more to tell Friday afternoon. I've probably forgotten some details. :oP
Oh and duh, I'm 16 weeks today!!
How your baby's growing:
Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.
See what your baby looks like this week. (Or see what fraternal twins look like in the womb this week.)Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb.
Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
Posted by Ashlea at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
It hurts to type...
I should have made my post about my OB appointment yesterday because there is so much to tell and lots to type. I didn't because I was super tired and spent the majority of the evening at my sister's house, spending time with my niece and nephew. This morning I burned the end of my middle finger on my left hand making Aidan pancakes, so typing is a bit uncomfortable. I'm going to give myself a day or two to recover and then make a big ol' post.
In the meantime, I wanted to mention that our next ultrasound is scheduled for the 22nd of September. :o) Yay!
Posted by Ashlea at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
A good day...hopefully!
I woke up this morning in an extremely good mood which is rare for me. I AM a morning person but I usually feel the worst in the morning, not because of morning sickness (anymore) but because lately I have been accumulating an abudance of gross, thick phelgm in my throat which makes me feel like crap (my doctor chalks it up to allergies). I still had a bit this morning, but for whatever reason I haven't been letting it get me down. I think I'm just happy that it's Friday and I only have to work until 11:30am. :o)
It's days like today that make me realize that being in a bad mood is counter-productive to living a happy/healthy life. It's so hard though, especially when you don't feel the greatest, to put a smile on your face. Yesterday Mark's mum told me that when Aidan pouts he looks just like me and it got me thinking, "Do I really not smile enough?" I probably don't. I'm a chronic complainer and I've driven my family and friends crazy with my constant pregnancy complaints.
I want to start trying to see the bright side of things, especially the pregnancy. Yes, the next couple of months are still going to suck no matter how you look at them, but in the end I'll have my very own baby to cuddle, kiss and make funny songs up for, just like I did when Aidan was little. Aidan will have his own brother/sister, Mark will have his first (genetic) child. Those are GOOD things. All this suffering will be worth it!
I hope anyway! :oP
Today is the day I meet my new OB, Dr. Hulsen. I hope I like him, especially after what I went through with Dr. Midkiff and Dr. Bryan. Mark has to work today so he won't be able to attend the appointment with me so his mum is going in his place. I had to go to almost every single OB appointment by myself when I was pregnant with Aidan and I refuse to do so this time around. It's lonely.
Like I said earlier, physically I feel ok with the exception of the phlegm. I had a back spasm earlier this morning but overall that feels ok too. Last night I had the worst case of gas ever -- I could pass wind or burp or anything so my stomach felt like a rock. It hurt really bad. Finally I was able to get it up and out. I think it was the 3 burritos I had for lunch. Yes, 3. They were sooo good and I was sooo hungry. I'm not sure if all the gas afterwards was worth it though.
Well, today is my boss's birthday and we're gathering to present her with her gift, a $70 gift certificate to Bath & Body Works, so I better jump off here. I'll update more after my appointment!!
Posted by Ashlea at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I found out today that I actually have people reading my blog! Yay for friends! Now I actually feel like updating whereas before I was just doing it to be doing it, if that makes sense.
In my last post I mentioned something I had been wanting to write about and right before breaktime, the issue came up again so obviously I have to vent!!
One of the things I hate the most about being pregnant is UNWANTED ADVICE. Now, some advice is ok, but most of it is just annoying especially since this is baby number 2 for me and I've been through this before. Twice already I've had people make comments about my diet. I will admit, I am not the healthiest eater. In fact, before my pregnancy I never even ate breakfast. I make a point of having a beverage (usually water or tea) and a couple of granola bars and/or oatmeal now. However, a few weeks ago, when I was still having morning sickness on a regular basis, I would eat whatever sounded good to me and I felt I could keep down. One day it was Diet Pepsi. I actually had someone say, "You can't drink that!!" Um, yes I can! I can have up to a certain amount of caffeine per day and having one Diet Pepsi isn't going to make my baby brain damaged.
This morning I had another lady comment on the fact that I'm eating too much sugar because I was drinking a generic Capri Sun and finishing off the rest of a 3 Musketeers bar (I know it's only 9-something am, but it sounded good!). If she had seen me two hours ago when I downed my oatmeal then maybe she'd shut her face. Ug!!
Two days ago, another co-worker scolded me for not having Aidan potty-trained yet when her granddaughter (who is younger than Aidan) can now wear regular panties without having an accident. Aidan JUST turned 3. He's not interested in the potty. We've tried and all the books I've read and people I've talked to have told me not to push him, because it will only frustrate him and us. Everyday I talk to Aidan about using the potty and everyday he can't be bothered, however he IS making progress. For example, he's starting to take his pants off when he's wet. That's a good sign. I don't need people telling me how to raise my kids.
And then there's the woman at work who constantly reminds me of "things to come." Like if she asks me how I'm feeling and I say, "Oh tired," and she'll be like, "Oh well it's going to get worse."
REALLY? Wow. Thankyouverymuch because I had no clue that being pregnant would make me tired. She said the same thing to me when I said I was sore. Are you kidding me?!
Well, I have much more to say but breaktime is up! :o)
Posted by Ashlea at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Busy, busy...
I can't believe I completely missed out on blogging about week 14. Ah well. Things have been busy around here. Aidan turned 3 on Sunday and I haven't been feeling all that great. I went to my general practitioner yesterday who diagnosed me with Sciatica, which sounds like a sci-fi film but is really my sciatic nerve being aggravated. I've had the worst lower back, butt and leg pain. I can barely walk at times. Basically there really isn't much I can do at this point other than seeing a chiropractor and taking Tylenol for the pain. :o(
My first appointment with my new OB is on Friday and I'm really looking forward to it. I want to find out when I can have my next ultrasound because that's the one where the baby's sex may be determined. How exciting!!
While driving to and from work, I've had a billion different ideas on things to blog about and one of these days I'll actually sit down and type it out, but for now I'll just leave you with where my baby is at now...15 weeks already! I promise to update more often, although I really don't think anyone actually reads my blog. Ho-hum.
How your baby's growing:
Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")
See what your baby looks like this week.
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
Posted by Ashlea at 7:06 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
OB changes...
First off, I'm 13 weeks along! w00t! This is the last week of my first trimester and I never thought it would ever come. It's been kind of a rough 13 weeks but I'm really looking forward to the next six months. :o)
And here is where the baby is at:
How your baby's growing:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.See what your baby looks like this week.
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
We had a bit of a scare yesterday afternoon. I went to the bathroom around noon and noticed sticky, brown blood in my underwear. It wasn't enough to soak through but it was definitely enough to alarm both Mark and me. I called the physician's exchange but somehow left my voice mail in the wrong place. In the meantime, I laid down and took a nap and the spotting subsided.
Around 6pm I still hadn't heard from the doctor and I had started to spot a bit. So I called again and I guess I left a message in the correct place because the doctor on-call called me back within minutes. I explained to her about the spotting. She asked if I had been cramping, which I had but only a bit. She also asked if I had thought I was getting a bladder infection or if I had had sex within the past 24 hours. I said no to both. She told me that spotting at 13 weeks was not normal, which freaked me out. I was to call and make an appointment to see Dr. Bryan first thing Monday morning and to take it easy the rest of the evening and drink plenty of fluids.
This morning I made an appointment for 11:20am. I left work early, met up with my husband and got to the doctor's office on time. You can imagine how pissy I got when over an hour later I still hadn't been seen by the doctor. Hello. I'm spotting and cramping and you've left me in a back exam room to be forgotten? Only when my husband complained did Dr. Bryan show up.
Ok, so here's where I get extremely pissed -- Dr. Bryan walks in and says, "So I see you're pregnant, congratulations!" Um...what? I then said to him, "I just met you two weeks ago." He kind of gave me a blank stare, looked from my husband to me and then said, "Oh I did see you not too long ago." WTF?! Seriously?
I know that doctor's offices are busy but this man is going to be delivering my child in less than a year and I would expect he would at least try to get to know me. So that put me off right away.
Dr. Bryan used the dopplar and found the baby's heartbeat which was strong. Then he did a pelvic exam and said that my uterus was nice and thick (a good thing apparently) and that the baby is where it should be. There was no bleeding in my uterus so he figures that the spotting was just one of those pregnancy quirks that just happens sometimes. So physically I was ok and the baby was ok. I just hate it when a doctor says, "I don't know."
Since our original monthly appointment was supposed to be on Tuesday and obviously I wasn't going to come back, I asked him about changing delivering hospitals. I explained to him that St. Luke's was way too far out of our range and that I wanted to change to Barnes-Jewish. I mean, they did give us information on delivering at Barnes so I figured it wasn't a big deal. I was wrong. He told me that even though they are on-staff at Barnes, they don't usually deliver there unless you're high-risk. Especially if I were to go into labor on a weekend when only one doctor is on-call for five physician's patient's. Then it would put them into a "sticky situation." What? Why give out the info if you won't deliver there? He said he would have to discuss it with his partners and let us know.
Um? Did you forget we're coming from ILLINOIS and that 40 is closed for like two years? Dr. Bryan then said, "You could deliver at Missouri Baptist." Uh, no. I would still have to go the 170 detour just to get in the hospital.
I just let the subject drop and he scheduled me for another ultrasound next week as well as a follow-up. As soon as he left, my husband and I looked at each other and said, "We're finding another doctor."
When I got home, I went through my provider directory and chose an OB in Maryville, Dr. Thomas Hulsen. I called his office, explained my situation and got an appointment for 2 and a half weeks from now. The nurse said that if I continue to have spotting or if anything gets worse, just to let them know right away. In the meantime I need my records from Dr. Bryan's office sent over. That's always the worst -- telling someone you're leaving their practice. I have a good reason though.
I'm just really irked that Dr. Bryan didn't even remember me. Or he could have at least pretended. Didn't he even READ my chart before he walked in? That's so unprofessional.
However, I am very happy that the baby is ok. I had such horrible nightmares last night, thinking something was seriously wrong. It's just so hard to know especially when the baby isn't big enough to move around yet. Well, he/she is moving around, I just can't feel it.
So here's to a much smoother second trimester...
Posted by Ashlea at 4:52 PM 0 comments