Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First OB appointment.

Yesterday was my first OB appointment with Dr. Bryan. He turned out to be very soft-spoken and super nice. I had called off of work yesterday because I was feeling really awful, so nauseous that I couldn't even get out of bed. As soon as I told him that, no other questions asked, he prescribed me not only medicine for the nausea (Reglan) but prenatal vitamins with a little something extra to combat morning sickness. I thought that was awesome because most doctor's would question you to the end of time. Even though I don't get sick all the time, it's nice to have something on hand for when I do. I can't keep missing work. I'll lose my job.

My first ultrasound is on the 21st. I've never had an ultrasound so early before. Well. Strike that. When I found out I was pregnant with Aidan, my doc had sent me to the ER because I was spotting. They did an ultrasound just to make sure everything was ok. But I've really never heard of having an ultrasound at what, 1o weeks? I'm guessing it'll be a vaginal ultrasound since they didn't ask me to drink a butt load of water or anything.

Mark and I also have to go to genetic counseling because I am a carrier for cystic fibrosis. He will be tested as well just to make sure everything is ok. That part is always a bit scary and I will be on pins and needles until we get the test results back. Even though it's a slim chance that both of us would be carriers, there is still a chance.

My next check-up is August 5th. I'll be 12 weeks then! Second trimester! wOOt!

P.S. I'm pissed off at Blogger right now because it won't let me change my template from any of the standard ones it offers. Everytime I try to copy and paste a template from another website, I get a bunch of errors. Grr!!!


Randi Marie said...

Hi Ashlea,

Our ultrasound is the same day. You will probably see more but maybe we can compare heartbeat stories if we can hear mine yet that is :)