Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Layout!

I got bored with the baby layout and decided to do something different that I found on the createblog website. I'm not sure how much I like it yet so it might change.

Not too much going on here. Aidan and Mark have been sick with some type of bug since Sunday and my immune system is working overtime in order to keep the bug at bay. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the cusp of getting sick (my throat feels scratchy or my ears hurt) but then within an hour I start to feel ok again. So hopefully my super prenatal vitamins are helping me out! *knock on wood*

Christian must be doing okay because he's kicking the crap out of me on an hourly basis now (sometimes more, sometimes less). I received my first baby gift in the mail today -- a crochet afghan from my friend Dawn. Thanks Dawn! It's supernice and I've taken a picture of it with the camera on my iPhone so as soon as I can I'll post that. :o) Dawn also made an afghan for Aidan when he was born and he still uses it, so I'm sure we're going to get lots of uses out of Christian's as well.

Like I said, not a lot going on right now. The new TV season is now upon us so I pretty much have been scheduling my life around my TV shows (sad, but true). Mondays and Tuesdays are Dancing with the Stars nights, Thursdays are set aside for Grey's Anatomy and Ugly Betty and Sundays are True Blood and Dexter. If you haven't checked any of those shows out (especially the ones on HBO and Showtime) I HIGHLY recommend it. They're all great!!

I've also been re-reading the Twilight series because I absolutely adore it and can't wait for the movie to be released. I just mooched a ton of books off of BookMooch so as soon as those start rolling in, I'll have a huge selection of books to choose from to read for the very first time. Not that I don't already have a selection -- earlier this year I went through this phase where all I wanted to read were the classics so I have like Madame Bovary, Les Mis, and a bunch of other books sitting on my shelf that I never got around to, not to mention the half-way finished ones (like The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time).

If you're an avid reader and have a ton of books you really don't want anymore, I recommend joining BookMooch. It's such a great way to give and receive books from all over the world for free! Okay, so technically they really aren't free because you pay to send books to people but think of it this way -- I sent off like 6 books last week and it cost me near $15 to do so (one went to Canada). If you go to the store to buy a book, ONE book costs around that much (my copy of The Curious Incident... is priced at $13.95 and I bought it at Sam's Club). I am currently waiting to receive seven books. So basically I just got seven books for $15. You really can't beat that. If you want to know more about BookMooch, just visit the site or ask me. I've been a member for a year and a half now. :o)

I guess that's about it for now. I can't believe it's October already! Egats! Thank goodness I thought ahead and already bought Aidan his Halloween costume (he's going to be Buzz Lightyear). Now all I need is candy!! And hopefully I don't eat it all beforehand! Ha! :o)