Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I'm chalking up my exhaustiveness (is that even a word?) to the fact that I am very pregnant. Or it could be the extra hours they are making us work. Either way, it sucks and all I want to do is lie down and take a nap RIGHT NOW. I was so nervous that I wouldn't have been able to get my house cleaned in time for Christmas morning, but my husband came through and is helping out as much as he can while watching Aidan. I love you honey!!

Yesterday was my monthly OB appointment and all is going well. I gained three pounds since my last visit and Dr. Hulsen said it's a very good sign that the baby is hiccupping. It means his brain is functioning correctly and his neurons are firing and all that, apparently. While measuring my stomach and using the dopplar to listen to Christian's heart, it was determined that he is now head down, which means he's ready for delivery! Well, just about anyway!

I spoke with Dr. Hulsen about going on maternity leave early. He said that if I start dilating early, he's all for it especially since I have to drive so far to work everyday. So yay for that! My next appointment is in two weeks and after that I see him on a weekly basis. :o)

I guess that's all I have to say right now. My mind is very numb from sleepiness so I'm going to go take a walk to wake myself up. In case I don't update before then, Merry Christmas!!