Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hump day!

We had some excitement at work today --- sort of. Our computers weren't working properly so we couldn't do some of our work, so they were scrambling finding things for us to do. The good thing about that is that it has made the past four hours FLY by. Only three more and I'm out of here for the rest of the day!! All I can think about is going home, changing into some yoga pants and a t-shirt and being completely lazy. :o)

Of course NOW the computers are working again, so it's back to the usual old work for us. Blah.

The baby is moving around more and more now. Mark tried to feel my tummy last night, but the baby suddenly got stage fright and refused to move. :oP

I suppose I should get back to work. But first, a bathroom break. Ug. I hate peeing all the time!!


Randi Marie said...

I can't wait to feel the baby move! Although I hear near the end they get a little boisterous. My bro used to kick my mom in the ribs trying to stretch out.